Off Pharma is a sister concern of Sea Air Worldwide. Established in 2022, a retail store of pharmaceuticals. Many of the products and the emphasis on services that satisfy customers are said to be One-Stop Shopping, suitable for the consumer lifestyle.

For Bangladesh, Off Pharma plans to expand branches rapidly throughout all states. Ready to give potential people And need progress as part of creating and developing organizations for sustainable growth By seeing the importance of progress in the management profession And focus on supplements. Developing employee potential In the fight against organizational leadership


                1. pharmacist Full time / part time

                    – Male / Female sex, Bachelor of Pharmacy

                    – have a pharmaceutical professional certificate

                    – Welcome to the new pharmacist. Or have experience with Chain pharmacies or hospitals

                    – The company does not have any binding agreements.

                    – Work 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, and can schedule holidays

               2. Organizerhorsepractice

                    – Male / female gender, qualification m6 and up, not over 35 years old

                    – Like service work, have good human relations And enthusiastic

                    – have management experience Or retail business Will consider special

Those interested in working with Off Pharma, please contact the HR department

Phone number: 01815000464 ( Whatsapp )

Or email: [email protected]

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